Welcomer Formatting


Formatting Tag
Alias of user.name
User mention
DEPRECATED, please use {user}. The users name
DEPRECATED, please use {user}. The users discriminator tag
The users id
Url of users avatar
Timestamp for when the users account was created
String for how long a user has been on discord
Timestamp of how long a user has been on the server
String for how long a user has been on the server


Formatting Tag
Alias of server.members
Alias of server.name
The servers name
The servers id
Number of users and prefix of users on server
Number of users who are on the server
Count prefix for server.member.count
Url for the server icon
Timestamp for when server was created
Stringh for how long the server has existed for
Url of splash the server has (if there is one)
Shard Id that the server is on


Formatting Tag
Code that the invite has been assigned to
Name of user who created the invite
Id of user who created the invite
How many people have used the invite
Boolean that specifies if the invite is temporary
Timestamp for when it was created
String for how long it has been since the invite was made
Max invites for an invite. Will return 0 if it is unlimited